Pinguinos continue to roll through IM volleyball season, now 4-0

Update (1:40 PM, 2/17/16) – IM Standings as of 2/17 have been posted. You can find them here.

The ChE GSA IM co-rec volleyball team, Pinguinos Voladores, continued its winning ways Tuesday night, winning 3 – 0. Overall, Pinguinos has a game record of 11 – 1, putting them in position to make the playoffs. The team consisted of Brosi Bradley, Tyler Culp, Megan Farell, Jon Harcourt, Dan Marple, Michael Regula, and Julie Weitzman.

The last game of regular season is next Tuesday, February 23 at 8 pm in Gym 4 of the IM Building. The full schedule can be found on the IM website.

Third faculty candidate seminar announced

The ChE department announced a third faculty candidate seminar. Shengchang Tang, a graduate student at MIT, will present a seminar titled “Dynamics and Mechanics of Associating Polymer Networks.” The seminar will be held on Tuesday, February 23, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm in 102 Chemistry Building.

Please click here to see Shengchang Tang’s abstract and biography.