Pinguinos start IM co-rec volleyball season 3-0

The ChE GSA IM co-rec volleyball team, Pinguinos Voladores, won its third match Tuesday night 2 – 1 in the IM Building, winning the first two games, but falling in the third. Overall, the team had won 8 of its first 9 games. Tuesday night’s team consisted of Brosi Bradley, Dan Cetnar, Tyler Culp, Megan Farell, Dan Marple, Michael Regula, and Julie Weitzman.

The next game for the Pinguinos is Tuesday, February 16 at 8 pm, Gym 4, Court 3 against “Club Kickball”. The complete co-rec IM volleyball schedule can be found here.

ChE Department announces April Fools 5K Run

Event: 1st Annual Chemical Engineering Department 5K Race
Date: Saturday, April 9
Time: Registration – 8:00 am – 9:30 am; Race Start – 10:00 am
Where: Medlar Field

The ChE department is participating in the April Fools 5K. The interdepartmental race will be a part of a larger 5K race. The ChE department will grant prizes both for overall team win as well as for team participation and individual awards. Faculty, graduate students, and undergrads all have their own teams that will compete for “overall team win”. Scoring will be “cross-country style“.

To register for the race:
1) Fill out this form and give it to Josh Litofsky ( or 201 Fenske)
2) Register here.

Please contact Josh with any other questions.

Pinguinos win second IM co-rec volleyball game

The ChE GSA IM co-rec volleyball team, Pinguinos Voladores, won its second match Tuesday night 3 – 0 in the IM Building. The team consisted of Dan Cetnar, Tyler Culp, Megan Farell, Dan Marple, Michael Regula, and Julie Weitzman.

The next game for the Pinguinos is Tuesday, February 9 at 8 pm, Gym 4, Court 2. The complete co-rec IM volleyball schedule can be found here.

Faculty candidate Zachary Smith gives seminar to ChE department

Zachary Smith, a post-doc in the Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, gave a seminar to the ChE department on Tuesday. Dr. Smith’s seminar, entitled “Molecular Scale Engineering of New Materials for Energy Efficient Separations”, discussed multiple strategies for improving the separation properties of membranes.

You can find a synopsis of the seminar here and his biography here.