Penn State Graduate Exhibition

The Graduate Exhibition at Penn State will be taking place on March 24th and 26th. This is a great opportunity to communicate your research to a diverse audience. All graduate students are eligible to participate. Registration deadline is February 24th by 5:00 pm. The final day to print your poster for FREE is February 28th. For more details about the Graduate Exhibition, please visit:

Graduate Student Recruiting Weekend 2017 Meeting

Thursday, January 26
58 Greenberg
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Graduate recruiting weekend is February 9 – 12. Recruiting weekend is a major undertaking, requiring many current graduate students to showcase our research and university to prospective students.

The meeting is mandatory for the following people:

1) Hosts for prospective students

During recruiting weekend, hosts will be responsible for answering questions via email in a timely manner before and after the weekend. You will also be responsible for getting the student you are assigned to and from the State College airport, getting the student to their meetings with faculty, attending meals (who doesn’t like free food), and so on.

Please fill out this spreadsheet if you would like to be a host.

2) One person (minimum) per lab presenting a poster

On the morning of Saturday, February 11, we will have a poster session featuring each group’s research. At least one member per lab should present a poster.

You can have more than one person per group present, but at least one is required.

Please use this spreadsheet to let me know who the representative from your group will be.