Lego Grad Student coming to Penn State on April 27

The Chemistry GSA is hosting a seminar by Lego Grad Student on April 27, 2018 in Freeman Auditorium (HUB). All Penn State graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to attend.

The seminar, entitled “Why am I Here?”, will discuss his experiences as a graduate student and how to overcome the challenges and stresses of graduate school. Light refreshments will be provided.

More information about the event can be found on Facebook.

Graduate-Student-Selected Seminar Speaker Nominations

Nominations have begun for the annual graduate-student-selected seminar speaker. We are looking for nominees that have unique life stories or experiences that show what people can do in chemical engineering, or really any science background. The main focus of the talk should not be research. We want a good story with some research thrown in. There are no restrictions on who can be nominated, but think about who we can realistically get to come to talk to a group of about 60 chemical engineers on 4-5 months notice.

Click here to fill out the form.

Nominations are due Friday, October 28th.

ChE Distinguished Lectureship Jacob Israelachvili – October 26th

We are pleased to host Professor Jacob Israelachvili, UCSB, for our 2nd annual ChE Distinguished Lectureship. He will present his seminar in 100 Huck Life Science, BERG Auditorium, at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, October 26th, 2016. The title of his presentation is “Dynamic (non-equilibrium, rate, time, and history-dependent) Adhesion and Rupture Forces in Material, Soft Matter and Biological Systems”.
